Home of the Entrepreneurs & Remote Workers

A place where real time education on business skills, digital marketing and entrepreneurship comes alive to help businesses start & grow in our community.

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Home of the Entrepreneurs & Remote Workers

A place where real time education on business skills, digital marketing and 

entrepreneurship comes alive to help businesses start & grow in our community.

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Home of the Entrepreneurs & Remote Workers

A place where real time education on business skills, digital marketing and 

entrepreneurship comes alive to help businesses start & grow in our community.

Come see what we're about, ON US!

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Cedar Park 

Mon-Thurs, 9am-4pm

Fri, 9am-12pm

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Dripping Springs

Mon-Fri, 8:30am-5pm

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- no matter the size, we have the perfect room for you.
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Coworking & Office Spaces

We offer a wide range of coworking & office spaces.  Let's find a space to fit your specific needs!

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Conference Rooms

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- no matter the size, we have the perfect room for you!

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Recession-Proofing Small Businesses: A Guide for Businesses with Fewer Than 5 Employees
By Jeff Kikel 22 Sep, 2023
In an increasingly uncertain economic landscape, recession-proofing is gaining more traction. Small businesses, especially those with fewer than five employees, are particularly vulnerable during economic downturns. The margin for error is thin, and the resources are often limited. How do you build a protective financial and operational buffer....
Fall Pumpkin Silverware Holder
By Crystal Kikel 18 Aug, 2023
Supplies: 1 Large Foam Pumpkin Orange Rope Clear Glass Gem Filler Knife Glue Gun Instructions: Mark the top of the pumpkin using the vase. Cut into the pumpkin and remove some of the filling. Cut as deep as you think you want your vase to fit into the pumpkin. Wrap the rope around the vase about a third of the way up, glue gun into please. Fill the vase half the way up with the gem filler. Place silverware in the vase and enjoy.
DIY Fall Cutting Boards
By Crystal Kikel 08 Aug, 2023
This easy and fun project and hang up all year around.
Coffee Mug Cozy
By Crystal Kikel 08 Aug, 2023
Make this fun and easy mug cozy.
By Jeff Kikel 29 Jun, 2023
You’re trying to close a million-dollar deal, and the barista yells, “Triple Venti Half Sweet Non-Fat Caramel Macchiato! Is that the soundtrack you want for your crucial business meeting? Here at T-Werx Coworking, we understand the charm of coffee shops. Let’s spill the beans on why they are not the most productive places to work or hold professional meetings.
By Jeff Kikel 26 Jun, 2023
You’re trying to close a million-dollar deal, and the barista yells, “Triple Venti Half Sweet Non-Fat Caramel Macchiato! Is that the soundtrack you want for your crucial business meeting? Here at T-Werx Coworking, we understand the charm of coffee shops. Let’s spill the beans on why they are not the most productive places to work or hold professional meetings.
Cutting Board Crafts
By Crystal Kikel 22 May, 2023
Discover a world of possibilities with cutting board crafts. In this blog post, there are instructions on how to personalize and enhance your home using simple supplies. Learn how to transform a basic cutting board into a personalized masterpiece to match your home décor and personal style. They can also be made as gifts for any occasion.
Zucchini Herb Recipe
By Crystal Kikel 22 May, 2023
Prepare your taste buds for a delightful culinary experience with this flavorful and Easy-to-Make dish. Gather your supplies to create a dish that's bursting with flavor.

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